Electronic Business Card

Why use EBC ?

Electronic Business Card

Environmental Issues

iNoti policy is to put aside all the paper work and help make a better world, without the need to cut down trees with the purpose of making personal profit.

Establishing an effective communication with the clients

iNoti has paved the way by provision of numerous possibilities, for business owners to attract more and more customers.

Want to see how EBC works? Test it right now !

Text the word “INOTI” or “آی نوتی” to the phone number 10008590 and wait for the response to see for yourself how it works.

EBC Customers

Some customers that have trusted iNoti EBC codes are as follows

TaminEjtemaei Inoti
Social Security Organization
DaneshgahBozorgmehr Inoti
Bozorgmehr University
Goldiran Inoti
Goldiran Customer Care
IranKhodro Inoti
Iran khodro

EBC tools and instruments

What can we do with EBC ?

Sending updated information to your customers without regards for blacklists

Saving the contact information of those who require your EBC

Possibility of viewing all the sent messages in your iNoti panel

Possibility of editing your EBC at any time

Possibility of changing the code at any time

Possibility of requesting a report of EBC performance through iNoti website

Possibility of adding multiple admins

Possibility of activating your business location on your EBC

Possibility of creating windows of your products in your personal EBC page

Creating a personal web page and using for personal branding

Electronic Business Card Pricing

You can try services for 1 hour

1 Digit

6.000.000 Rial

300.000 Rial Free Balance

2 Digit

5.000.000 Rial

250.000 Rial Free Balance

3 Digit

4.000.000 Rial

200.000 Free Balance

4 Digit

2.000.000 Rial

100.000 Free Balance

5 Digit

1.500.000 Rial

75.000 Rial Free Balance

6 To 11 Digit

1.000.000 Rial

50.000 Rial Free Balance

Persian Or English

2.500.000 Rial

125.000 Rial Free Balance

Persian And English

3.500.000 Rial

175.000 Rial Free Balance

Free Advice

For more information Contact INOTI

Our Experts will come up with the best solution for you

+98 (21)74607

Customer Statistics

iNoti Statistics

Toatal Users