SMS panel

Why do we use SMS panels ?

Send Bulk SMS

SMS panels are nowadays among the most powerful of advertisement tools at the disposal of businesses and has a wonderful effect on attraction and retention of customers. Everyone who registers online on iNoti has access to iNoti SMS panel.

All you need to do to is to add account balance and then use the numberous equipment provided on iNoti website to send and manage your advertisement SMS.

Also, there is no need for you to purchase a simcard for sending the messages and you can utilize public sims available and active on your account to send messages. The following are among the benefits of using SMS panels.

SMS Panel

why do we use SMS Panel

Benefits of iNoti SMS Panel

Customer Loyalty

customer satisfaction and retention of old customer retention

Customer availability

possibility of communicating with customers at any time of the day with no limits

Attracting new customers

attracting new customers through sending messages and using iNoti data bank of customers (categorized by state, city, area, age, and sex)

SMS Customers

Some customers that have trusted iNoti are as follows

TaminEjtemaei Inoti
Social Security Organization
DaneshgahBozorgmehr Inoti
Bozorgmehr University
Goldiran Inoti
Goldiran Customer Care
IranKhodro Inoti
Iran khodro

iNoti SMS panel tools and instruments

Retention of Old Customers

Possibility of Connecting iNoti SMS Panel to a Website Through the Web Service

Possibility of Using SMS Panel on the Website and iNoti App

Sending Text Messages at Any Time or Place

Sending Activation and Verification SMS

Sending Smart and Timed Messages

Sending Single or Mass Target SMS to Phone Numbers in iNoti Data Bank or Ones Available in an Excel File

Sending Text Messages to a Specific Age and Sex Target

Possibility of Sending Messages to a Specific Area From a Map or Based on Postal Codes

No Need for Installing a Specific Software or Hardware

Sending Thousands of Messages Simultaneously in no Time

Receiving Precise Reports of Sent Messages

Free Advice

For more information Contact INOTI

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+98 (21)74607

Customer Statistics

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