Honors and certificates

The technical and legal entities supporting Gostaresh Tarahan Naghsh Almas (iNoti) knowledge based company, in its attempt to achieve its goals previously discussed under About iNoti menu, has succeeded in acquiring certificates and honors by most credited of supervisory authorities in Iran

Knowledge Based

Proof of acknowledgment of iNoti activities by science-related authorities of Iran:
• Deputy of science and technology in presidential office
• Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology
• Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education
• Ministry of Industry, Mine, and Trade
• Ministry of Defense and Army Support
• Ministry of Aggriculture
• Ministry of Information and Communications Technology of Iran

Electronic Symbol of Trust (e-namad)

Two-star (highest rank available) electronic symbol of trust (e-namad) from the department of e-trade development in Ministry of Industry, Mine, and Trade

Saman Kish e-payment

23rd e-payment company in our secure world for your payments

samandehi Inoti

Syndicate of Website Organization

“Media symbol” from the syndicate of websites organization in the center of information technology and digital media of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance

Internet Businesses Syndicate

Another reason of pride for iNoti is being a member of Internet Businesses Syndicate

Iranian ICT Guild Organization

We defend the customer rights, and here is another proof supporting our claim.

Iran Chamber of Guilds

iNoti is also a member of Iran Chamber of Guilds in the field of SMS, USSD, and Fintech services

keshvari Inoti

Federal Credit Union in Tehran

Certificate of Federal Credit Union in Tehran to ensure the customers of their purchases through iNoti system

Iran Code

iNoti USSD codes acquired Iran Code.
From then on, every organization and company will know iNoti unique services by the code 2412700961700001.

 سامانه ستاد

SETAD System

Government’s System of Electronic Provisions (called SETAD) is a system approving of online purchases. This system enables administrative systems to carry out all the stages of transactions (starting from the requests up to the point of transfer of currency) based on a cohesive, standard, and decentralized manner, abiding by laws and legislation governing the country. iNoti membership in this organization equals its ability to take part in governmental and organizational tenders

Customer Statistics

iNoti Statistics

Toatal Users