
Why should we use iMap


iNoti has made it possible for businesses to register their location on iNoti map. iNoti business map contains a comprehensive list of all the businesses that have registered their location on the map.

This enables iNoti users to be able to choose whatever business they deem useful after opening iMap and receive the information regarding that business. The following are among the benefits of iMap:

View iMAP


Why should we use iMap


Powerful infrastructure

iNoti has prepared a strong infrastructure to show business locations on iMap

iMap API

Every service available on iNoti’s powerful infrastructure is available through an API file

The most brilliant Iranian map in the world

Implementing valuable data in the digital world and utilizing the latest, state-of-the-art tech, iNoti has created a map which is safe to be called the fastest and most beautiful map in Iran.

iMap Customers

Some customers that have trusted iNoti are as follows

Adidas Inoti
BimehAsia Inoti
Insurance ASIA
Goldiran Inoti
GoldIran Customer Care
bargh Inoti
Regional Electrical Distribution

iMap tools and instruments

Why do we use iMap

Advanced Search Engine to Display Businesses

Sharing Location of the Businesses

Displaying Addresses and Possibility of Direct Contact

Displaying the Businesses Personal Page

Displaying the Products of Each Business

Advanced Search Engine to Display Businesses

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