How to make an income in iNoti

who Do we call marketer

How to make an income in iNoti

Gostaresh Tarahan Nagsh Almas (iNoti) knowledge based company not only provides tools and equipment for digital marketing, but also provides the opportunity for clients to be able to make an income.
The system works in a way that every customer has the opportunity to work as a marketer. Marketers can earn money by introducing iNoti to new customers.
After a new customer has been introduced to iNoti and purchased services, the customer cannot yet work as a marketer until they are registered as a marketer.

Promotion from a Business to a Marketer

If the buyer wants to work as a marketer in iNoti, they should submit a request in order to become a marketer.
This will award the introducer with a positive point which will be recorded in their marketing background for iNoti.
From this point onwards, the new marketer can also work as a marketer and earn an income from iNoti. It is obvious that whatever sales this new marketer makes will bring no profit to the original introducer. Thus, iNoti is not considered a network marketing system at all and is in fact considered a system of direct selling.

Direct Selling at iNoti

Promotional Plans in iNoti Direct Selling

iNoti promotional plans

  1. 30% of EBC and USSD sales
  2. 30% of iCV sales
  3. 10% of SMS panel service prices
  4. 1% for adding balance to simcards through USSD
  5. Special promotional plan for paying bills

How to receive the income made from iNoti

The received purchases from iNoti will be calculated instantly and deposited to the person’s account in iNoti.
Money making in iNoti is designed in a way that marketer can request liquefication of the money at any time of the day. If the bank account detail is verified and matches the account information in the marketer’s iNoti account, the money will be deposited to their bank account in less than 24 hours.
Aside from the promotional plans, in the beginning of every month, a plan will be designed to provide best sellers with extra rewards.

Commision From iNoti Direct Selling

Customer Statistics

iNoti Statistics

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